

The Ministry of Labour is responsible for promoting a stable Industrial Relations climate in Guyana through various activities.

What does our mandate include?

Establishing the national labour policy;
Promoting sound industrial relations policies and practices through collective bargaining;
Advisory support services to trade unions, employers, employees and State Agencies;
Resolving labour disputes;
Conciliation/mediation services;
Certification of trade unions;
Setting up and servicing arbitration tribunals;
Labour inspections and enforcement;
Conducting Trade Union membership surveys & polls and workers participation elections;
Conduct Conditions of Work Seminars;
Elimination of Child Labour;
Promoting tripartite collaboration and consultations.
Check out our national minimum wage.

Download or View Our Labour Brochures


Explore all the laws which govern our policies!

Cap 99:01 Household Service Workers Act
Cap 99:02 Holidays with Pay Act
Cap. 54:01 Public Utility Undertakings and Public Health Services (Arbitration) Act
Cap. 91:04 Shops (Consolidation) Act
Cap. 98:03 Trade Union Act
Cap. 99:08 Prevention of Discrimination Act
Cap. 38:01 Equal Rights Act
Cap. 46:06 Protection of Children Act
Cap. 82:22 Licensed Premises Act
Cap. 95:02 Factory Act (Hours and Holidays) Act
Cap. 96:01 Termination of Employment and Severance Pay Act
Cap. 98:01 Labour Act Cap. 9801
Cap. 98:04 A Wages Council Act
Cap. 99:01 Employment of Young persons and children Act
Cap. 99:03 Labour (Conditions of Employment of Certain workers Act)
Cap. 99:07 Bakeries (Hours of Work)
Cap.101 Constitution of Guyana
Labour (National Minimum Wage) Order No.15 of 2022
Trade Union Recognition Act Cap 98.07 No. 33 of 1997
Ministry of Labour

Labour Advice (Mobile Application)

The Ministry of Labour is dedicated to sustaining a strong and effective labour administration system by formulating policies based on the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions ratified by Guyana in order to promote the tenets of stable industrial relations, occupational health and safety and integrated employment opportunities and training for the nation’s workforce towards greater economic and social development. This is facilitated through two main programmes: Policy Development and Administration, and Labour Administration Services. One of the essential services offered by the Ministry is advice to trade unions, employers and employees in the event of an industrial dispute. Our new mobile application provides an easy and quick way to access our advisory services. This app is designed to give workers and employers convenient, efficient and user-friendly tools to stay informed about their rights and seek assistance when necessary. The Ministry of Labour is committed to providing transparent, accessible, and efficient services to all. Through our mobile app, we aim to make our advisory services more accessible, ensuring that everyone can benefit from their rights and protection afforded by the laws.

Be sure to check out our Mobile App​

Mobile App Poster