Occupational Safety & Health
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is concerned with work and the environment in which work is being done.
Who is Responsible for Occupational Safety and Health?
Everyone is responsible for Occupational Safety and Health!
A safe and healthy environment is in the interest of both employers and workers and they are in the best position to identify safety and health problems and develop solutions quickly. Hence, a collaborative and co-operative approach are necessities to achieving true occupational safety and health.
Want to know more about our OSH Service?
Everyone has a role to play in workplace health and safety
The prime responsibility for safety and health at work rests with the employer. Therefore employers are responsible for ensuring that the persons they employ work under safe and healthy conditions.
Have a key role to play in OSH in the workplace. Many accidents at work could be avoided if supervisors understood and accepted their responsibilities for OSH.
They have a right to work in a safe and health working environment. Furthermore, They have a right to comply with all safety and healthy instructions in the workplace.
Trade Unions
They represent the interest of workers to the employer & should be vibrant and advocate for better working conditions. Furthermore, include OSH in training programmes offered to their membership.

The Ministry of Labour's Role
What is Our Role?
The Government of Guyana through the Occupational Safety and Health Department of the Ministry of Labour has responsibility for OSH. Its objective is to “Improve working conditions and environment with the emphasis on prevention rather than cure.
The services of the OSH Department which include Information, Advisory, Supervisory & Regulatory services, extend to all workplaces in the formal and informal economy throughout Guyana.
The services of the OSH Department which include Information, Advisory, Supervisory & Regulatory services, extend to all workplaces in the formal and informal economy throughout Guyana.
Information and Media at a Glance
Safety and Health in the Mining Industry 2022
Registration of Industrial Establishments
Accident Reporting process
Download or View Our Occupational Safety and Health Laws and Guides
Download or View Our Occupational Safety and Health Brochures
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